A brief rundown on the investments that Intelligent Investor offers
What are Intelligent Investor funds (ETFs)?What are the actively managed Intelligent Investor funds and ETFs?
How to Buy Units of INES, INIF, IIGF & IISV on the ASXWant to buy more INES, INIF, IIGF, IISV? How can I buy more Intelligent Investor ETFs?
How to complete the application form for the secondary offerI have a HIN how do I apply for INES or IIGF or INIF or IISV? The secondary offer for Intelligent Investor
Key dates & issue prices for historic offers for INIF, IIGF, INES & IISVWhat were the issue price for the offer in Intelligent Investor previous?
How to Sell Units of INES, IISV, INIF, and IIGF on the ASXWant to sell your INES, INIF, IIGF? How can I sell my Intelligent Investor ETFs?
How can I see my Intelligent Investor investment?How to view or manage your INES, IIGF, INIF, IISV holdings and units.
How do I set up my distribution reinvestment preferences?Intelligent Investor fund ETF dividend or distributions settings or partial dividends. DRP and dividend reinvest.
Who is the share registry/What is a share registry?Intelligent Investor funds are listed on the ASX, and can therefore be managed via the share registry.
Updating your e-mail addressChange the email address associated with your Intelligent Investor or Eureka report account
Updating or amending your information post listingHow to make changes to your Intelligent Investor funds after an offer period
Intelligent Investor Tax HubDo you hold or own an Intelligent Investor ETF?
Why does the unit price and net asset value differ from time to time?
How to download Distribution StatementsFor Intelligent Investor Distribution Statements
Annualised Returns: What are they?Understand annualised returns: what they are, how they work, why they are used, and how they can differ from your individual return.