A share registry maintains investor information including distribution reinvestment preferences, bank details, tax information and communication details for all investors.
Who is the Share Registry?
As emailed on 23/03/2022 (see email), all units for IIGF, INES and INIF are now held through Link Market Services. Therefore, we no longer use Registry Direct as of 23/03/2022.
How to access the share registry
If you already have a login with Link, you can log in here.
How to register your holdings on Link Market Services
If you don't have a login with Link, go here to register.
When registering your holding on Link Market Services:
Enter ISFM - InvestSMART Funds Management as the issuer.
Enter your HIN (starts with an X) or SRN (starts with the letter I)
Enter your postcode
Screenshot of example