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Intelligent Investor Tax Hub

Do you hold or own an Intelligent Investor ETF?

Daisy Causer avatar
Written by Daisy Causer
Updated over 2 months ago

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If you hold an Intelligent Investor ETF in a share trading account or share registry, then this tax hub is for you. If you hold an II ETF inside a PMA, please visit here.

When are the II ETF tax statements available?

The Intelligent Investor AMMA statements are usually released late July - you'll be notified via email once available.

The 2023/2024 statements were released 30 July 2024.

The 2023/24 tax statements for Intelligent Investor Funds (IIGF, INES, INIF, IISV) have been emailed. Check your email by searching for 'InvestSMART Funds Management Limited AMMA Statement 2024' or for emails from

You can also access the share registry (see How to access the Share registry)

Will I receive a tax statement?

Only investors who hold units on June 30 and have received a distribution during the financial year will receive a tax statement.

The tax statements will be sent to you by the share registry (search your email inbox for emails from and will also be available for download from the share registry's website:

  • For IIGF, INES and INIF investors, please visit MUFG Pension & Market Services

  • There was no distribution for IISV, so there is no FY 22/23 tax statement.

Understanding the II Funds Distributions

All unit trusts (the traditional structure for managed funds and the structure for the Intelligent Investor funds) pay out all realised income annually. This requirement is due to the unit trust not being the taxable legal entity. Therefore, all realised taxable income must be distributed to the unit holders.

The distribution from all unit trusts comprises all realised capital gains plus dividends and other income for the year minus capital losses and expenses.

The 2021/22 financial year was exceptional for the Intelligent Investor funds.

Several of our most significant positions (e.g., Sydney Airport) were subject to takeovers, and the portfolio manager Nathan Bell profited from several positions before the downturn. So the unusually large June 2022 distribution is down to Nathan’s active fund’s management.

Index Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) pay distributions to unit holders similarly. However, they are not actively managed and are not taking profit from positions. Instead, they’re only realising capital gains when rebalancing when new constituents come into the index.

This link to the ATO website helps explain how to add managed fund distributions to your tax return, and this one is about capital gains included in trust distributions.

When and how do I receive my annual tax statement?

The statement will be emailed to all clients from the share registry and can also be downloaded via the share registry.

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