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What are Intelligent Investor funds (ETFs)?

What are the actively managed Intelligent Investor funds and ETFs?

Tom Wilson avatar
Written by Tom Wilson
Updated over a year ago

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Who is Intelligent Investor?

Founded in 1998 by John Addis, Intelligent Investor is known for its in-depth value investing analysis of ASX-listed companies. Led by Head of Research & Portfolio Management Nathan Bell, their team of analysts are dedicated to providing ASX share recommendations and research for investors managing their own direct portfolio of Australian shares.

Investments offered

Intelligent Investor offers four actively managed funds that are based on their recommendations.

The Fund focuses on large, mature businesses with entrenched competitive advantages and dominant smaller companies we believe will produce strong cash flows to support dividends in the future.

We listed the Intelligent Investor Ethical Share Fund (ASX:INES) on 12 June 2019 because our analysis of nearly 500 Buy recommendations over two decades showed that our excellent performance would've been even better under an ESG framework.

The Intelligent Investor Australian Equity Growth Fund is focused on investing in tomorrow's undiscovered market leaders alongside some of Australia's best businesses with far brighter prospects than is currently appreciated by the market.

The Select Value Share Fund provides our team with the ability to look beyond our borders and invest in companies across the globe. We've often come across opportunities overseas while researching businesses here at home, but been unable to act, and now we can.

How to Invest?

There is an 'Invest Now' button on each product page showing the different ways you can get invested in one or more of these funds.

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