Changing company details

How can I change the directors or name of a company?

Daisy Causer avatar
Written by Daisy Causer
Updated over a week ago

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I need to change the directors of a company.

No problems. First, notify ASIC of this change via their portal. Then, contact us via email advising us of the change. We will then contact ASIC for the supporting documents to confirm this change.

Suppose you're adding a new director or director(s) to the company. In that case, we will need to verify their identification, just like we initially did for the other directors when you first applied for PMA.

We usually need driver's licence details and their address to complete this verification.

You can email this request and supporting documentation to

Changing the name of the company

Updating the company's name is straightforward as long as the directors, the ABN, and the ACN are still the same.

First, notify ASIC of this change via their portal. Then, contact us via email advising us of the change. We will then contact ASIC for the supporting documents to confirm this change.

You can email this request to

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