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Intelligent Investor Ethical Share Fund (INES)
INES is a managed fund listed on the ASX. This managed fund follows the Intelligent Investor analyst teams research to invest in a portfolio of 20 - 30 listed companies using an ESG filter. The fund invests mostly in ASX listed companies, some overseas businesses and holds cash. To invest, you will use the code INES to purchase units via your brokerage account or during secondary offer periods.
InvestSMART Ethical Growth Portfolio
InvestSMART Ethical Growth is a managed portfolio offered via InvestSMART's Professionally Managed Account (PMA) service. As the PMA is a managed account, investors own the direct investments which make up the investment portfolio. The InvestSMART Ethical Growth Portfolio holds 5-15 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) with an ESG overlay. These ETFs range across multiple asset classes, e.g. Australian shares, international shares, cash etc.
Here are some key differences:
| InvestSMART Ethical Growth Portfolio | Intelligent Investor Ethical Share Fund (INES) |
Investing Strategy | Passive | Active |
Are the management fees capped? | Yes (see Capped Fees) | |
How do you invest in this? | You can only invest through a PMA online. | You can buy through your share broker on the ASX (INES) or invest through a PMA. |
Is there a minimum investment amount? | From $500 with your share broker. | |
Diversified? | Yes | Australian & International Equities |
Can be used with Fundlater? | No | |
More information | See Product Page | See Product Page |
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