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Introduction and Overview
What Bootcamp Is Not: Setting Expectations and Exploring Complementary Tools
What Bootcamp Is Not: Setting Expectations and Exploring Complementary Tools

Bootcamp's role as an educational tool, not a financial advisor replacement, explore complementary resources for informed investing.

Tom Wilson avatar
Written by Tom Wilson
Updated over a week ago

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Understanding the Scope of Bootcamp

InvestSMART's core belief is that high-quality financial education should be accessible and affordable for everyone. This belief is at the heart of our InvestSMART Bootcamp, a comprehensive educational resource. However, it's important to clarify the scope and purpose of the Bootcamp.

Bootcamp: An Educational Resource, Not a Personal Advisor

While Bootcamp delivers a solid foundation of financial education, it does not replace the services of a qualified financial planner or advisor. Such professionals provide specific advice tailored to your unique personal and financial circumstances, including guidance on matters such as superannuation, retirement planning, and taxation.

Bootcamp, on the other hand, revolves around financial education. The weekly live Q&A webinars are a platform for you to deepen your understanding of the course content, but they are not meant to provide specific, personalised financial advice.

Stock Recommendations and Reviews

Bootcamp is not designed to provide recommendations, reviews, or commentary on specific stocks. Instead, it focuses on equipping you with an understanding of general investment principles and decision-making tools.

A Suite of Complementary Tools

The InvestSMART Bootcamp is part of a wider ecosystem of resources we offer to empower and educate everyday Australians about financial decision-making. These include our Statement of Advice, financial calculators, filter tools, and an extensive collection of articles.

Used in conjunction with Bootcamp, these tools can provide a holistic approach to understanding and managing your financial future. However, while they are designed to help inform your decisions, they do not replace the personalised advice that a financial advisor can provide.

InvestSMART’s Philosophy

At InvestSMART, we believe in empowering individuals with knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions. Our aim is not to dissuade you from seeking professional advice but to ensure you have access to affordable educational resources that can help you understand the financial landscape.

We understand that often an investor can choose an off-the-shelf investment option, pay lower fees, and achieve comparable results to a more expensive, professionally managed approach. This is not to say that you don't need a financial advisor, but rather that being educated about your options can help you make the best choice for your circumstances.

To gain a clear understanding of what our Bootcamp covers, we recommend visiting the Bootcamp page and reviewing the modules and lessons outlined there: Bootcamp Modules

InvestSMART Bootcamp, along with our suite of tools, is here to empower you on your journey to becoming a well-informed investor. However, for personalised financial advice, we still recommend engaging with a qualified financial planner or advisor.

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