Does InvestSMART automatically reinvest dividends and interest?Are my dividends, distributions, interest, returns, reinvested?
How do I change or reallocate the Model Portfolio(s) held by my Professionally Managed Account (PMA)?How do I change my portfolios? Change from one portfolio to another.
How to see, view, or change the nominated bank account for my Professionally Managed Account (PMA)?Everything you need to know about viewing or updating your linked bank account with us
How do I view or manage investments held in my Professionally Managed Account (PMA)?Where can I see or monitor my PMA investment portfolio and their value? Tour of InvestSMART site.
How can I check or change my income settings?Everything you need to know about reinvesting your income, receiving your income or checking your current settings. Income sweep.
How can I check or change my regular withdrawal plan?Turn on or off withdraw regular amounts
I need to change my bank accountHow to change the bank account associated with your PMA
Where do I find my PMA account number?