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What other reports can I receive and how?

Cash transaction report, portfolio report, income report, capital gains realised and unrealised report.

Tom Wilson avatar
Written by Tom Wilson
Updated over a week ago

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You can generate other reports on the online platform in PDF or CSV format.

Go to Reports.

You can generate the following:

  • Investment Portfolio Report: Provides a valuation of the portfolio as of 30 June for the financial year chosen

  • Cash Transactions Report: A cash transaction statement for the date range selected

  • Investment Income Report: Shows dividends received and franking information

  • Realised Capital Gains Report: Shows capital gains/losses that have occurred

  • Unrealised Capital Gains Report: Shows capital gains/losses that have not yet occurred or been realised.

Can't see the report that you're after here?

Email our friendly team at with your request, and we can email back a suitable report.

Alternatively, set up a third party authority and your accountant or adviser can do the hard work for you.

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