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All CollectionsIntelligent Investor FundsIntelligent Investor Growth Fund (ASX:IIGF)
What is the buy/sell spread for the Intelligent Investor Growth Fund (ASX:IIGF)?
What is the buy/sell spread for the Intelligent Investor Growth Fund (ASX:IIGF)?

Understanding the buy/sell spread for the Growth Fund.

Mitchell Datson avatar
Written by Mitchell Datson
Updated over a year ago

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There are three prices for a unit trust:

  1. Net Asset Value (NAV)

  2. Buy Price

  3. Sell Price

The buy price and the sell price will be approximately $0.01 above (buy) or below (sell) the net asset value. This is the buy/sell spread which is then used to cover the Funds cost of transacting and ensures that other investors are no worse of due to incoming or exiting investors.

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